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Map Places

4.0 ( 2880 ratings )
Dienstprogramme Reisen
Entwickler Albert Parti
0.99 USD

Map Places

Find places from available categories.
Pressing the selected category will display the number of hits on the map.
Categories can also be saved to favorites.
At the selected location, the information button can be navigated after the map selection.

There are 90 categories in the left menu.

Some of the main chains:

ATM, Hospital, Bank, Accounting, Airport, Amusement park, Aquarium, Art gallery, Bakery, Bar, Beauty salon, Bicycle store, Book shop, Bowling alley, Car wash, Casino, Cemetery, Church, City hall, Clothing store, Convenience store, Courthouse, Dentist, Department store, Doctor, Electrician, Electronics store, Embassy, Fire station, Hair care, Hardware store. etc ... ..